Hi, I’m Brooks.

Founder of Starlight Leadership.

I’m a leadership coach and soul guide, exploring the terrain of remembering our true nature and realizing our full potential. I help high performers navigate transitions and bring their world into alignment so they can give their gift and create soulful impact.

My journey to this work began in September 2014, when my existential woes and hunger for deeper meaning drove me deep into the desert to undergo the initiatory rite of a vision fast. As a high-achieving, entrepreneurial young buck, I had been flawlessly executing my mind’s plan for “success” and had gained myself admission to my dream MBA program at Stanford. But after completing my first year there, I realized that something felt deeply off.

While I thought I was doing everything right, my body, heart and soul weren’t feeling it. In fact, they were crying out in desperation and pain. I would later learn that those more intuitive parts of myself were holding the keys to a much deeper and more expansive possibility: my soul’s highest purpose in this lifetime. By crying out with such force, they (finally) convinced me to slow down and listen. I am so profoundly grateful that I did.

My time in that desert canyon launched me into an initiatory journey that opened me to the exquisite experience of coming fully alive — a way of being that is rooted in wholeness and vitality, infused with spirit and soul, and rich with fulfillment, joy and gratitude. I discovered how it feels to live in alignment with my deepest truth and offer my unique soul gifts in service of creating a more beautiful world. This opened the doors to a more magical, beautiful, humbling and engaging life experience than I ever could have previously imagined.


I’m now honored to support others on this same journey, as well as those just feeling the call to embark. While the adventure of coming fully alive and realizing our soul’s true potential brings incredible light, it also leads us into great darkness. This can be harrowing. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the incredible support and guidance of many amazing teachers, colleagues, loved ones and friends. It’s a joy to pass on some of the wisdom I have received in service of my people, this treasured planet we are so lucky to call home, and the greater unfolding of the human evolutionary experiment.

I believe ours is an extraordinary time to be alive. There is so much at stake, so much uncertainty and risk in the ongoing global meta-crisis — and by the same token, there is also unprecedented opportunity. I am called to support those who sense this opportunity, are committed to discovering and embodying it through their own unique path, and feel ready to play their part in creating — in the words of Charles Eisenstein — the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

As a coach and guide, my clients appreciate my ability to meet them where they are and help them find the courage to see what life wants to wake them up to. I provide a stable, welcoming, challenging, and honest space for them to explore their vulnerability, find their inner wisdom, and surrender to the flow of what wants to come through them. Through this process, they find the willingness to follow their heart's calling, live in their genius, and give their soul’s gifts. They embody their light, and in so doing, create a more beautiful world.

Some highlights in my ongoing journey of learning and discovery include: Being certified as a 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership Coach by the Conscious Leadership Group; apprenticing as a vision quest guide with the Animas Valley Institute; earning the credential of Mindfulness-Based Psychedelic Guide from The Center for Medicinal Mindfulness; serving as a faculty member with Leaders In Tech; and spending months leading wilderness-based leadership development expeditions in some of the world’s most beautiful and remote places as a NOLS Field Instructor.

Teachers, Mentors, and Inspiration

Teachers & Mentors

Sources of Inspiration

  • Philosophers & Explorers: Charles Eisenstein, Ken Wilber, Bayo Akomolafe, Christopher M. Bache, Ernest Shackleton

  • Spiritual Teachers: Lao Tzu, Siddhartha Gautama, Adyashanti, Malidoma Patrice Somé, Martin Prechtel, The 14th Dalai Llama, Tara Brach, John Churchill, Sam Harris, John Bruna

  • Coaches & Guides: Gay and Katie Hendricks, Boyd Varty, Byron Katie, Hale Dwoskin, Jerry Colonna, John Wineland, David Deida, Larissa Conte

  • Poets: David Whyte, Mary Oliver, Rumi, John O’Donohue

  • Writers: Dolores LaChapelle, Michael A. Singer, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Gabor Maté, Don Miguel Ruiz, Dennis William Hauck, Jamie Wheal, Edward Abbey and my dad, T.A. Barron

  • Mother Nature and The Great Mystery